Association of Back to Nature who is the new member of European Green Belt has a new Project “Eagles Beyond Borders” with their project partner Reconstruction and Development Union from Bulgaria.
CB005.2.12.108 “Eagles Beyond Borders” project will be funded under the second call of the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria – Turkey Programme 2014 – 2020
The Project will be carried out European Green Belt region for 15 months. The project focus are eagles with emphasize on the Imperial Eagle – a globally threatened and remarkable “umbrella” and “flag” species. Most of the activities will be carried out in Natura 2000 sites in Southeast of Bulgaria and adjacent areas and such sites will be identified in the Turkish part of the cross border region in Thrace.
Project objectives;
1)To establish base line information on the distribution of key species, local attitude and potential threats;
2)To establish cross-border cooperation and build capacity for conservation of key species and identification and management of protected areas and Natura 2000 sites;
3) To contribute to environmental education of young people;
4) To reduce garbage and littering in riverine and coastal habitats
Project activities;
1. Mapping the breeding sites and habitats of the globally threatened Imperial Eagle in Thrace
2. Involving young people and citizens in campaign against littering of coastal and riparian areas
3. Big cleaning of the beaches event
4. Involving young people in bird migration studies in the cross border area – common migration camp
5. Identification of possible Natura 2000 sites in Kırklareli and Edirne regions based on distribution of Imperial Eagle and other key species
6. Organizing Imperial eagle nest protection in Turkey and Bulgaria
CB005.2.12.108 Nolu “Sınırların Ötesinde Kartallar” projesine Interreg-IPA Bulgaristan – Türkiye Sınır Ötesi İşbirliği Programı aracılığıyla Avrupa Birliği tarafından eş finansman sağlanmaktadır.
Destek programına “” web sitesi üzerinden ulaşabilirsiniz.
Bu internet sitesi, CCI Numarası 2014TC16I5CB005 olan Interreg-IPA Bulgaristan-Türkiye Sınır Ötesi İşbirliği Programı aracılığıyla Avrupa Birliği desteğiyle yayınlanmaktadır. Bu yayının içeriği tamamen Doğaya Dönüş Gençlik ve Spor Kulübü Derneği sorumluluğundadır ve hiçbir şekilde Avrupa Birliğinin veya Programın Yönetim Makamının ve Ulusal Otoritenin görüşlerini yansıtmak için alıntılanamaz.
Europeaid iş birliği ofisine “” web sitesi üzerinden ulaşabilirsiniz.
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