We continue our monitoring and conservation efforts for the Imperial Eagle and Lesser Kestrel

We continue our monitoring and conservation efforts for Imperial Eagle and Lesser Kestrel in the Thrace Region within the scope of the BESTbelt project, which supports activities for the sustainable use, protection and restoration of natural resources in the European Green Belt by the European Union. In our project, monitoring of imperial eagles, construction of artificial nests, planting trees to increase future nest options, installation of transmitters, and monitoring, nest construction and placement of lesser kestrels will be carried out. You can also voluntarily take part in the field work we started in January with our Bulgarian partner, the Green Balkans Association. It is also planned to increase the capacities of individuals and institutions in the field of monitoring and conservation through experience sharing, study visits and training in Bulgaria and Turkey with our volunteers participating in our two-year work.

If you would like to take part in our work as a volunteer. You can join the volunteer communication group at https://bit.ly/sahkartalgonulluluk.


We visited imperial eagle nests during our field work

Eagles, whose nesting trees are disappearing, can build nests on electric poles

Imperial eagles have started to arrive in their breeding areas

About Selçuk Aslan

someone who respects gaia

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