Young volunteers cleaned Longoz Forests of İğneada

Young volunteers cleaned Longoz Forests of İğneada..

Association of Back to Nature Youth and Sports Club organized a big cleaning event of coastal areas as events of “Eagles Beyond Borders” with project number CB005.2.12.108 with the assistance of the European Union through the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria -Turkey Programme, CCI No 2014TC16I5CB005. 25th of June was the day for pinpointing the waste through the project’s website. Participant are taught how to use the website and pinpointed the quantity, location and types of  waste. On the day of 26th of June, another group of participants volunteered for cleaning the coastal area of Mert Lake and sea shore.

During the events, it is observed that at the places where can be reached by cars, the quantity of was is much higher amount than deep forestry regions. Types of the waste is recorded to be mostly plastic bottles and hunting cartridge cases from hunting activities.

Volunteers will continue to organize cleaning activities and pinpointing the waste via website which is created for the project.

We give special thanks to Municipality of Kırklareli for sustaining our volunteers protective equipments under Covid-19 pandemic restrictions and to Administration of National Parks and Nature Preservation for supporting our effort and to all young participants who put their effort for protection of wild birds of prey.

25 June pinpoint event photos

26 June İğneada Bleach Forest cleaning event photos 

Eagles Beyond Borders Project
Nesli dünya ölçeğinde tehlike altında olan şah kartal “Aquila Heliaca“, Güneydoğu Avrupa’dan, Orta ve Batı Asya’ya kadar geniş yayılış gösteren yırtıcı bir kuş türdür. Popülasyonunun büyük çoğunluğu göçmen olan şah kartallar, yuva yaptıkları alanların tahrip edilmesi, zirai zehirler, elektrik hatlarının yoğunluğu gibi tehditlerle karşı karşıya. Bu tehditler sah kartalların ölümlerine ve yaşam alanlarının daralmasına sebep olmaktadır.

About Selçuk Aslan

someone who respects gaia

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